Thursday, July 19, 2007, #136 (1403)

Armenian Author Publishes Book on Turkish Expansion in Georgia
By M. Alkhazashvili
(Translated by Diana Dundua)

A new book on Georgian and Turkish economic relations, written by an assistant professor at Yerevan State Institute of Economics, was published in Moscow.

Ashot Egiazaryan’s “Georgia: Structural Problems of the Economy and Turkish Economic Expansion (1994–2007)” claims that the current Tbilisi administration looks at Turkey as an alternative to Russia for trade and investment.

This warm reception gives Turkey an opportunity to widen its influence in Georgia and the South Caucasus, writes the Armenian author.

Egiazaryan argues that the Caucasus and Central Asia are a priority for Turkey’s foreign economic policy, reports the news agency Regnum, with a strong focus on developing transit links across the continent.

Turkey reoriented its transit tactics in the early 90s, pushing for new railways and increasing port infrastructure.

Istanbul is paying particular attention to the Kars–Akhalkalaki railway, which is set to connect the South Caucasian rail networks (notably bypassing Armenia), allowing for unimpeded rail transit from Asia to Europe.

According to Egiazaryan, this railway will actually reduce Georgia’s importance as a transcontinental transit state

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