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Do you think opposition politicians are getting fair coverage from the media?

Friday, November 30

“Perhaps not for a bit, but now I think the media are representing them quite well.”

Maiko, banker, 30

“Definitely. I’m particularly impressed by Kavkasia TV – they have guests from opposition parties on their talk show every evening.”

Dato, student, 20

“Recently, since Imedi was shut down, the opposition’s been complaining that TV channels aren’t very fair toward them. I don’t think they’re right: Imedi gave them too much airtime, and that’s why they’re whinging now. But loads of papers and TV channels carry their announcements and news.”

Merabi, sportsman 25

“Once Imedi TV is back on air, we’ll get a clearer picture of what the opposition’s up to during the election campaign. Rustavi gives us information, but not enough.”

Levan, pensioner, 69

“Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, I don’t think the media is fair to the opposition, especially after Imedi was shut down. Having said that, though, some Georgian newspapers do give their statements and speeches objective coverage.”

Gaga, doctor, 37

“The opposition has had a hard time of it since Imedi was closed down. Gachechiladze was criticized a few days back for barring Mze and Rustavi 2 journalists from the conference hall. To my mind, he was right, because they just show what they want, and never cover events from the opposition’s point of view.”

Salome, dentist, 27

“TV channels aren’t fair, in my opinion. Many newspaper articles are much more objective about the opposition than TV reports. The government and opposition ought to be given equal airtime, especially in the run-up to the election.”

Eteri, housewife, 40

“Only a few radio stations and a handful of papers give us real information about the opposition. TV channels never give people the complete picture about the opposition – they only give them a brief mention. As an ordinary citizen, I want to know as much as possible about both sides.”

Natela, pensioner, 69

“I think the media covers