What do you think of the Christian Democrats’ memorandum?
Thursday, June 12
“The party is composed of very sensible people. I don’t know anything about their memorandum, but I am sure it is well-organized and carefully thought out.”
Nodari, criticizer, 52
“It will be well put together, but will anybody care it? I don’t think it will be considered by the ruling party. It’s just a facade.”
Nika, athlete, 22
“The memorandum won’t change anything. Their main mistake was entering parliament. I wonder what they expect to get from being in parliament?”
Makvala, street vendor, 35
“I trust them. I’m sure it’ll be something interesting, but there is something else worth considering: will anyone care?”
Tornike, lawyer, 33
“I think the ruling party should ask the opposition before amending the constitution and that is why I believe the memorandum is important and will have an impact on how things go in the parliament. Of course, that’s if the National Movement is willing to listen to the Christian-Democrats.”
Dato, engineer, 44
“This is a very dirty political process and I would advise every politician to be sincere—that’s what I think.”
Nana, housewife, 53
“I am sick of all this—memorandums and agreements—I don’t think anything will change in this country, Saakashvili will act how he wants to.”
tari, translator, 37
“Targamadze seems like a clever and charming man, I haven’t read his memorandum but I think it’s good that he will attend parliament.”
Dea, sportswoman, 20
“I like Targamadze as a person, he is a clever man, but this memorandum—or whatever they call it—is just an excuse to attend parliament.”
Revaz, doctor, 61
Nodari, criticizer, 52
“It will be well put together, but will anybody care it? I don’t think it will be considered by the ruling party. It’s just a facade.”
Nika, athlete, 22
“The memorandum won’t change anything. Their main mistake was entering parliament. I wonder what they expect to get from being in parliament?”
Makvala, street vendor, 35
“I trust them. I’m sure it’ll be something interesting, but there is something else worth considering: will anyone care?”
Tornike, lawyer, 33
“I think the ruling party should ask the opposition before amending the constitution and that is why I believe the memorandum is important and will have an impact on how things go in the parliament. Of course, that’s if the National Movement is willing to listen to the Christian-Democrats.”
Dato, engineer, 44
“This is a very dirty political process and I would advise every politician to be sincere—that’s what I think.”
Nana, housewife, 53
“I am sick of all this—memorandums and agreements—I don’t think anything will change in this country, Saakashvili will act how he wants to.”
tari, translator, 37
“Targamadze seems like a clever and charming man, I haven’t read his memorandum but I think it’s good that he will attend parliament.”
Dea, sportswoman, 20
“I like Targamadze as a person, he is a clever man, but this memorandum—or whatever they call it—is just an excuse to attend parliament.”
Revaz, doctor, 61