Responsibility for the destruction of the whole military and civilian infrastructure of Georgia rests with the Russian troops sent to Georgia to “impose the peace”.
The flow of high profile officials from different western countries to Georgia continues, with British Foreign Secretary David Milliband scheduled to visit Tbilisi tomorrow.
Opposition leaders who have been silent so far have been slowly airing their positions on the current dramatic situation in Georgia. They maintain this was either caused by the irresponsibility and carelessness of the Georgian authorities, or by Russia’s brutal politics alone.
WFP distributes humanitarian aid to 68,000 IDPs
In spite of the fact that a ceasefire agreement has been signed and Russia has made a commitment to pull its armed forces out of Georgia it is still delaying this process. Moreover, on the very day Russia signed the agreement its soldiers blew up a railway bridge near Kaspi, 50 kilometers from the conflict zone.
Since the Russian invasion and the bombing of Georgia, journalists and pundits from all over the world have been covering these events. Everyone has an opinion and an analysis, be it the long term expert or the weekend reporter who has been sent to Georgia from the other side of the world.
“Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia blesses Georgian soldiers”