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What have you done to help the refugees?

Thursday, August 21
“I have given them a bed and clothes. Somehow I feel guilty for not being in the situation they are.”
Dali, paediatrician, 53

“I brought them everyday items and took one of the children home and treated it for several days.”
Tamuna, teacher, 35

“I went door-to-door collecting money and gave it to the ones lodged near my house in a kindergarten.”
Vato, student, 18

“I have brought some clothes belonging to my family members. I hope they will help them to some extent, as they are left without anything.”
Kakha, driver, 34

“My family runs a small bakery and we are going to provide a small community bread kitchen in a nearby school for a period.”
Leila, teacher, 45

“We have starter to deliver hot dinners for a group of people settled on a street adjacent to our restaurant. It is not difficult for us and it’s a big help for them.”
Gega, hairdresser, 35

“We have a small agricultural field near Tbilisi, where we raise cattle. So we are thinking of delivering milk and milk products each day to a family group we know, as they have 5 children.”
Gurami, farmer, 65