Migration problems for Georgia
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, January 20
The World Financial crisis has created extra problems for Georgia, as many Georgian emigrants work in different countries and support their families here in Georgia by sending them money. The world financial crisis is forcing many of the emigrants out of their jobs because most of them work abroad illegally, and they therefore return home where their chance of getting a job is even smaller.
According to research carried out by demographics organizations, over the last 6 years around 200,000 more people left Georgia than return back. More potential migrants want to leave the country but either cannot afford it financially or cannot gain entry due to complicated visa regulations.
Experts on migration estimate that in the near future the number of migrants will decrease, but for a peculiar reason. The number of jobs in Georgia will not increase but the number of work capable people will decrease.
According to prognoses in 2010 25,000 more people will leave Georgia than enter it and by 2015 20,000 more will leave than enter. By 2029 15,000 more people will leave Georgia than enter it.