New “Eco-Awards” programme announces first five winners
Monday, March 2

The “Eco-Awards” has been developed to promote and reward active involvement of local non-governmental organizations in solving local environmental issues in a practical way. It encourages wider stakeholder engagement and partnerships between central and regional NGOs, community based organizations, government and businesses. The program is administered by Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), a local foundation working in Georgia since 1994.
“The ‘Eco-Awards’ is BP’s new environmental initiative in Georgia, and we have been delighted with the response. Our main priority is to continue managing our core business in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, but we also want to go beyond this and promote environmental protection more widely in Georgia.” said Neil Dunn, General Manager for BP in Georgia.
“This new Awards programme will help us and all interested parties to stimulate interest in preserving Georgia’s environment and increase funding either for the ‘Eco-Awards’ program itself or other projects”, he continued.
Minister of the Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, Mr. Goga Khachidze, expressed his support for the program, “I support BP’s new environmental initiative in Georgia and we will cooperate with the Eco-Awards Program winners. I hope the projects implemented under the program will bring long-term sustainable benefits to Georgia”.
Five winners of the Eco-Awards Ceremony were awarded the certificates.
“Revival of Meskhetian wheat "Tsiteli doli" and its sustainable use through establishment of effective marketing net”
Georgian Tourism Association (GTA)
“Market-oriented sustainable tourism development in protected areas of Georgia”
Wild Plant Conservation Association
Ex-situ conservation and commercial use of some economically important species of Georgian flora protected by CITES convention”
Association for Environment Protection and Sustainable Development "Mta-Bari"
“Amelioration and realization support for economically important species of Adjara wild flora in the buffer zone of Mtirala National Park”
International Union for Conservation of Nature Program Office for the Southern Caucasus (IUCN)
Facilitating stakeholder participation in protected areas of Georgia