Greek Project for the production of potato seed in Tsalka
Thursday, April 16
As part of the “Establishment of a Seed-potato Centre and Producers' Cooperative in the Tsalka area of Georgia” project a special two-week seminar was organized from late March till early April in Tsalka for the farmers who are members of the producers’ cooperative. The abovementioned project, which is designed to improve the entire chain of seed-potato production (from laboratory to market) has been implemented for the last three years by the Agricultural University of Athens. The project, which has drawn down 370,000 Euros so far, is financed by “Hellenic Aid”, the Development Agency of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Among the main topics of the two-week seminar were cooperatives management, seed potato marketing and the production of healthy and high quality seed potatoes. Professors from the Agricultural University of Athens and other universities in Greece gave relevant presentations.
The project aims to support general agricultural development and the growing of potato seeds in the Tsalka region in order to, firstly, meet the needs of the country and secondly, start the export of potato seeds abroad. The climatic conditions in Tsalka are favourable for the cultivation of potatoes and the programme will benefit the local population by generating income for farmers who are currently importing potato seeds and by further improving the potatoes’ quality.
Tsalka, a remote, isolated and underdeveloped area, needs the best possible utilization of its resources to ensure its development, if development is defined as raising people’s incomes, providing functioning institutions which seek to maintain economic and social balance and laying the foundations of sustainable future projects. Within the framework of this project a special laboratory for controlling production and certifying the potato seeds has been established in Tsalka and within a very short time special equipment for standardization and packing will be sent from Greece.