ICC-Georgia attends regional meeting in Damascus
Tuesday, February 23
Fady Asly, Chairman of ICC-Georgia, attended the second regional meeting of ICC SAME (South Asia and Middle East) in Damascus on February 15, 2009.
The meeting was hosted by ICC-Syria and attended by the national committees of the Bahrain, Georgia, India, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan and Sri Lanka ICCs. Both Jean Rozwadowski, Secretary General of ICC, and Rona Yircali, Chairman of the World Chambers Federation, attended the meeting.
Discussion covered improving regional cooperation between the countries of SAME, arbitration, ATA Carnets, Incoterms and a comprehensive presentation by each attending national committee about the economic situation in their country. Following a suggestion from Mr. Asly it was agreed that a regional meeting will be held in Tbilisi in 2011.
ICC-Georgia is the Georgian national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, a global business organisation which unites hundreds of thousands of member companies from over 130 countries into a representative body, which speaks with authority on behalf of businesses worldwide.