Sanctions against Iran will have no impact on Iran-Armenian relations
By Messenger Staff
Thursday, June 24
Iran is a very serious partner country for Armenia because it serves as transit function and Armenia also receives energy supplies from Iran. There is a harmonious accord between the two countries on this issue
Sevak Sarukhanian, Director of the Noravank research centre, stated on June 17 that despite sanctions relations between the countries are developing in the same way as before in the areas not subject to sanctions. Iran-Armenian cooperation will not suffer due to the sanctions against Iran, stated Sarukhanian.
As is known Iran is ignoring the sanctions placed upon it and it is proceeding with its nuclear programme, which it says is peaceful in intention.
Sevak Sarukhanian, Director of the Noravank research centre, stated on June 17 that despite sanctions relations between the countries are developing in the same way as before in the areas not subject to sanctions. Iran-Armenian cooperation will not suffer due to the sanctions against Iran, stated Sarukhanian.
As is known Iran is ignoring the sanctions placed upon it and it is proceeding with its nuclear programme, which it says is peaceful in intention.