Turkmenistan proposes new initiative
By Messenger Staff
Thursday, September 23
Turkmen president Gurbangul Berdimukhamedov spoke of a new initiative at the 65th session of the UN General assembly. It envisages the creation of the similar body to that of the OSCE, uniting the countries of the Central Asian and Caspian Sea region. Turkmenistan's efforts are targeted towards regional security and guaranteeing stability in the Central Asian and Caspian Sea region. The organisation would work towards peaceful solutions of the existing problems and disputed issues through a process of negotiations. The mutually acceptable inter regional dialogue mechanisms should thus be expanded. Such a dialogue should be based on systemic grounds with clearly identified agenda and the participating countries should exercise their legal and equal rights to make decisions. The Turkmen President recommended such an initiative on the basis of the existing reality, suggesting that regular sessions of such an organisation be held in all the countries of the mentioned region. Each country involved would take turns to host the session. The President offered to invite members of the proposed organization to convene at its founding session in Ashgabat providing this was acceptable to all participants.