Multiple meetings in Warsaw for Bakradze
Wednesday, November 17

During the meeting Bronislaw Komorovsky affirmed that Poland supports Georgia’s membership of NATO. In November Jacek Michalowski - Head of the Administration of the Chancellery of Poland will visit Georgia and that will further strengthen cooperation between the administrations of the two countries.
The Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia addressed the Standing Committee of NATO Parliamentary Assembly with before the session of NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
He gave a comprehensive presentation about the ongoing democratic reforms in Georgia and the changes adopted in the Constitution of Georgia, speaking of the details which envisage keeping a balance between the separate and diverse branches of the Government.
Bakradze also mentioned the current situation in Georgia’s conflict regions, the steps the Government has taken in that regard and the main strategy of the country. In his speech he also touched upon Georgia-Russia relations. “What is discussed at the PA by members of their parliaments and politicians representing their countries will be significant and considerable for every Government represented at the Summit,” David Bakradze stated. At the session of the Committee the attending MPs spoke about the special role of Georgia in the operations in Afghanistan. After David Bakradze’s speech, the session of NATO PA Standing Committee proceeded with questions and answers.
During his visit to Warsaw the Parliamentary Chairman also met with Karl Lamers, the Head of the Delegation of Federal Republic of Germany to the NATO PA, David Hobbs, the Secretary General of the Assembly and John Tanner, the President of the Assembly.
At the meeting the parties touched upon the domestic political processes in Georgia, ongoing reforms, security issues and Georgia-Russia relations. “NATO has special relations with Georgia; we welcome the fact that many reforms are being implemented in this country. The progress is evident in every field,” John Tanner stated during his interview with TV Company ‘Rustavi 2’.
NATO Parliamentary Assembly will vote on the resolution ‘On the Situation in Georgia’ on November 16.