Masterpiece at Atoneli theatre
Thursday, November 25
Well known theatre director Keti Dolidze staged a play by Inga Garuchava and Piotr Khotsianovsky, Hello 100 Dollar Bill, in the theatre at Atoneli. The play tells the dramatic story of a Georgian woman who works in the United States nursing a disabled lady millionaire. The play is full of humor and drama. You laugh and cry simultaneously. It is intereting that together with famous professional actors Ramaz Ioseliani, Nineli Chankvetadze and Nana Pachuashvili there is also an appearance from journalist and showman Nugzar Rukhadze. All the actors, of whom there are four altogether, masterfully performed the dramatic and humorous collisions taking place in the play. It is a brilliant masterpiece indeed.
The Messenger congratulates the authors of the play, director of the performance and actors for a really unforgettable gift to the spectators with this performance.