USAID-TBC Bank Cooperation Benefits Health Care
Thursday, April 14
On April 13, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Jonathan Conly, Minister of Health Andrew Urushadze, and TBC Bank President Vakhtang Butskhrikidze welcomed health sector lenders interested in using the USAID-backed TBC loans for the construction, renovation and equipping of hospitals. The event also highlighted technical assistance opportunities offered to the borrowers from USAID’s Health Systems Strengthening Project and New Applied Technology Efficiency and Lighting Initiative (NATELI).
USAID initiated a partial loan guarantee program with TBC Bank in response to the Government of Georgia’s hospital privatization plan and the credit financing challenges facing many of the investors and insurance companies. The $20 million facility is intended to accelerate the construction, rehabilitation, and equipping of hospitals.
Prospective health sector lenders also have an opportunity to receive assistance from USAID’s Health System Strengthening Project (HSSP) and NATELI. HSSP can provide assistance in developing a sound business plan to apply for loans, complying with applicable environmental regulations, and practical training in health management. NATELI provides assistance in ensuring the energy efficiency of rehabilitated health facilities.