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Easter in Georgia

Thursday, April 21
Easter is the most important holiday for Orthodox Christians. The week before Easter is called Passion Week. This is when special services are conducted in almost every church in Georgia, but most particular days are PASSION THURSDAY and GOOD FRIDAY.

Several days starting from Easter Sunday greet each other saying the following phrase „ქრისტე აღსდგა“(kriste agsdga) to which the response is „ჭეშმარიტად“ (tcheshmaritad) – “Christ had risen” and “Indeed” in English. Normally, the most devout Orthodox Christians go to church the night before Easter and stay at the church until late the next morning when a supra is laid out for breaking the fast. Two important elements of Easter preparation are dying eggs red on Good Friday and baking Easter Bread, Paska. Eggs are smashed on Easter morning, and a candle is usually lit on the Paska during the first meal of Easter Sunday.

Here you can see Paska recipe and try to bake it for Easter

Easter Cake "Royal"
Ingredients:0,5 kg flour,100gr.butter,50gr.cream or sour cream, 100gr.sugar, 100gr.milk, 30gr.fresh yeast, 2 yolks,0,5gr salt, vanillin, cardamon, vanilla, raisins, candied fruit

Warm up the milk, add the yeast and 1/3 of the flour. Mix it well and put in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. Then add all other ingredients. (Melt the butter and add as the last component).The dough mustn't be too dense. Let it rise up and then knead. Put the dough in a baking form.(fill 1/3 of the total size of the form) and let it rise once again. Bake it for nearly an hour. Depends on the size of the form.