Parliamentary Committee considers Legal Issues and Human Rights
Monday, November 14
The Parliamentary Committee on Legal Issues made a third reading of the draft law "On Change to Various Legislative Acts of Georgia”, which envisages the improvement of legal proceedings in civil cases and the elaboration of effective mechanisms for proceedings. Changes include unified terminology in the legislation and the rules for judiciary expenses of detection of legally significant facts, recognition of missing citizens and the declaration of a citizen as missing or deceased. The draft law will also define the rules for submitting court decisions. The Committee considered issues such as cancellation of probation sentences and convictions as well as pardons established under the law.
The special prevention group at the Public Defender's Office shall be conferred with new authority according to Changes to the Law "On the Public Defender”. According to the draft, the special prevention group at the Public Defender will be authorized to verify the enforcement of human rights and freedom in mental houses, houses for the elderly and orphanages. After introducing these changes, the Law will be brought into compliance with the international Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.