Mobile legal aid debuts in Dusheti
Tuesday, March 20

Minister of Corrections and Legal Assistance, Khatuna Kalmakhelidze, introduced the service, which seeks to provide greater access to free legal aid.
Members of Parliament Lasha Tordia and Vakhtang Balavadze also met with Jinvali residents, alongside the Minister.
According to the Kalmakhelidze, a group of qualified lawyers will provide free legal consultations on the spot for those who are unable to visit legal aid offices themselves.
The legal aid mobile group will travel on a special mini bus supplied with all necessary equipment to ensure a comfortable environment for their clients.
Providing free legal aid close to home is among the MCLA’s 10 priorities for 2012.
Sixteen regional legal aid offices are currently operational in Georgia.
An additional online service has also been created to ensure access to legal consultation for Georgians living abroad, and those living in the breakaway regions.