Letter to the Editor
Monday, June 18
Mr. Zaza Gachechiladze,
Dear Publisher of "The Messenger"
First of all I would like to express my deep respects to you and Georgia.
Some interviews, news and analysis recently published in the newspaper, regarding the foreign policy issues related to the Islamic republic of Iran especially to its peaceful nuclear program, contain the wrong and insufficient information and in some cases based on the wrong and biased stances of interviewee. Thus In order to Enlightening its readers and Public Opinion the followings are required to insert in the newspaper's first next issue.
1. Iran's nuclear program is entirely peaceful and the country has shaped and continues its activities in conformity with the Nuclear Non proliferation Treaty (NPT).
2. Iran’s demands are precisely the rights that are confessed to by NPT for Iran and any other member states Iran wants neither less nor more than its rights according the Treaty.
3. According to the edicts of the highest religious and political Official of the Islamic Republic of Iran production and usage of nuclear weapons is forbidden, even the use of other weapons of mass destruction according to Islamic religious instruction are not allowed.
4. Iran's announced and practical slogan "peaceful nuclear energy for all, the atomic bomb for no one", Is regarded the most rational word, for a fair and logical man, to be said.
5. The country which has produced the first nuclear bombs and used two powerful ones against two large and populous cities, would be unable to judge the peaceful nature of nuclear energy program of other countries.
6. Peaceful nuclear energy capabilities of Iran not only pose no threat, it could be also a Blessing to the world. By enjoying a peaceful nuclear energy abilities and its related knowledge’s such as electrical energy, medical kits and nuclear medicines, Iran can provide a great assistance to other countries of the world.
7. Explicit assertions of some politicians indicate that they will use the nuclear weapons if they see it necessary. This is the most inept word that can be said by anybody. The usage of nuclear weapons in any war even as a defense, for the first time or second time, would pose such an ultimate danger and an inhumane act.
8. It's over 200 years that Iran hasn't attacked any country. But anytime Iran was attacked, it has been able to defend itself and made aggressors regret their action. However, the Zionist regime within the past 50 years has initiated several wars and military invasions against its neighbors and even not neighbor countries.
While Iran sees the nuclear weapon illegal thus posses no nuclear weapon and have no any intention to develop it, how it can be dangerous? As a member state of N. P. T all Iran’s nuclear activities are being monitored 24 hours a day and yet No deviation in Iran's nuclear activities has been observed.
Versus Zionist regime has admitted having the nuclear weapons, avoids the membership of the NPT- non proliferation treaty - and has numerous problems not only with foreign neighbors but with its own people too.
Now readers can judge which country is dangerous whether it is Iran that has problem with the world or the Zionist regime?
9. Iran's activities have long been and continue to be under observation of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
10. Up to now thousands person hours extremely serious inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities carried out but no any deviation from the peaceful nuclear purposes was reported. More than 100 cases of inspections were carried out immediately 2 hours following the announcement.
11. There is a nuclear research reactor in Tehran that has been operating for more than 56 years. This reactor produces treatment radio kits for nearly one million people in need. Iran in the past had repeatedly requested the International Atomic Energy Agency and the countries having the technology, to sell fuel for this medical-research reactor. But neither IAEA and nor those countries did not respond to Iran's request. That's why Iran started to produce 20 percentage fuels for domestic medical needs and thus supplied its needs.
12. For two and a half year Iran voluntarily has implemented non-compulsory and optional protocol of nuclear non-proliferation Treaty. But didn't receive any positive response from the countries with veto power in the Security Council as well as nuclear weapons owner states.
Finally it should be mentioned that Iran as always welcomes any kind of negotiations in normal and equivalent conditions based on goodwill and mutual confidence-building measures.
Express my respect again.
Majid Saber
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran