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Friday, June 22, 2012, #118 (2634)

Czech Ambassador reflects on Abkhaz visit

Abkhazian officials’ comments regarding the recognition of neutral travel documents by the Czech Republic were very critical, said Czech Republic Ambassador Ivan Jestrab, ... (more)

NGOs discuss rural development in Georgia

At a conference entitled Opportunities in Rural Development for Small Framers hosted by CARE International in the Caucasus (CIC), ... (more)

Special Rapporteur releases critical assessment of Georgian political affairs


Neutral travel documents for Abkhazians receive mixed response


The News in Brief

"Mobile phones and Recording devices Banned in Courts" (more)


Public, opposition can only speculate on National Movement plans

Georgia’s ruling party has thus far not disclosed its action-plan. Meanwhile, the pre-election campaign is gaining speed in both camps. (more)

Press Scanner

"Survey: young people against marijuana" (more)

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