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Georgian President Calls for Global Unity Against Russian Aggression at Crimea Summit

By Liza Mchedlidze
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Salome Zourabichvili, President of Georgia, addressed the Fourth Crimea Platform Summit, marking 10 years since Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea and over 900 days of its war against Ukraine. She emphasized the global significance of Ukraine's fight for freedom and sovereignty, drawing parallels to the September 11 attacks and calling for continued resistance against Russian aggression to uphold international law and peace in Europe.

"Mr. President, distinguished audience,

It has been 10 years since Russia invaded Crimea and illegally annexed it, and for over 900 days now, Russia has been waging a brutal war against Ukraine.

Is it a coincidence that this summit is taking place on September 11th? That 23 years ago, terror struck at the heart of freedom and democracy, killing and injuring thousands of innocent civilians? And that today, terror has erupted again, but this time in the heart of Europe - in Lviv and Poltava? This reminds us that we will not tolerate [this terror], that the fight for freedom, for human values, for human dignity, for sovereignty, independence, and democracy is uncompromising. Only after achieving this can we hope to attain lasting peace.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has revealed the true face of Russian aggression-a ruthless, cruel campaign that targets not only soldiers on the battlefield but especially innocent civilians, children, and Ukrainian society as a whole.

This is not just Ukraine's tragedy; it is a warning to the world that if Russia is not stopped, it will continue to use these brutal methods-whether through direct traditional warfare, military occupation, hybrid warfare, or disinformation campaigns - to achieve its imperialist ambitions.

In the face of this barbarism, Ukraine has once again shown remarkable courage and resilience, and the world is in awe of the strength and endurance of Ukrainians, which can only be described as heroic. This is an inspiration to all of us.

Ukraine has shattered the image of an all-powerful Russian army and proven that the invincibility of Russia was a myth, that Russia could not capture Kyiv in 3 days, nor in 900 days, nor weaken Ukrainian society, nor drive Ukraine away from the support of its European and American friends. This is because we all understand that Ukrainians are not only defending their own country, but they are fighting for all of us.

The full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity is a critical step in ensuring peace and stability because Russia must learn to respect borders-not only in Ukraine but also in Georgia, Moldova, and the rest of Europe. For too long, Moscow has disregarded international norms, attempted to change borders by force, and undermined the sovereignty of its neighbors. This behavior can no longer be tolerated.

As we have all seen, peace and stability in the Black Sea region are crucial for the entire region and continent, as it represents a key hub for trade, energy, and communication. It is an important link in the chain of security for Europe and beyond, and its [the Black Sea's] stability is directly connected to the security of the whole continent. Therefore, Russia's expansion in the Black Sea region, from the occupation of Abkhazia to the annexation of Crimea, or its recent steps - such as opening a military naval base in occupied Abkhazia - must not be accepted.

This war is truly about defending the principles of international law, respecting borders, and upholding the rights of nations to live in peace. And while Ukraine continues its fight for its own and Europe's freedom, I want to once again emphasize that the Georgian people stand with you, the world stands with you, and together, we will show that the free world cannot be intimidated by those who seek division, destruction, and conquest.

Slava Ukraini!" stated the president Zourabishvili.