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Ukraine Condemns Use of War Imagery in Georgian Dream Political Banners

By Liza Mchedlidze
Friday, September 27, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has expressed strong disapproval of new political banners displayed in Tbilisi by the ruling party Georgian Dream. The banners depict tragic images from Russia's war against Ukraine, including the bombing of Mariupol's theater and other war-torn sites.

One side of the banner shows the theater in Mariupol, which was bombed by Russian forces in 2022, claiming numerous lives.The theater was sheltering thousands of civilians, including children, when it was struck, despite the word "children" being written in large letters in Russian outside the building. On the opposite side of the banner, an image of the Senaki Theater in Georgia is displayed. Another banner has an image of a cathedral in Ukraine that was bombed by Russia next to the Trinity Cathedral in Georgia.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemned the use of these images, stating that it is "unacceptable" to exploit the tragic consequences of Russia's war, the suffering of thousands of innocent people, and the destruction of cultural heritage for political advertising.

"The Georgian people may not fear a new war as long as Ukraine continues to resist Russian aggression," the ministry said, adding that the heavy cost of Ukraine's resistance contributes to peace in Georgia. The statement urged the Georgian government and political actors to refrain from using the war against Ukraine for internal political purposes.

The ministry reaffirmed Ukraine's steadfast support for Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, emphasizing its commitment to Georgia's internationally recognized borders. Ukraine also expressed hope that Georgia's upcoming parliamentary elections would be peaceful and democratic, and that the country would continue on its strategic path toward joining the EU and NATO.