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Do you think your vote will count on January 5?

Tuesday, November 27

“Of course my vote is important.” Sandro, banker, 30

“I still think my vote is important but given the current situation in Georgia I don’t think it will count for much.” Lado, writer, 45

“My vote won’t have any impact so I’m not going to vote for anyone.” Lika, actress, 28

“Every Georgian must go and vote for someone. Every vote is important for Georgia's future and my personal future too.” Mariam, housewife, 38

“I participated in the previous election and I’m going to take part in the upcoming one because I think it’s important.” Eka, dentist, 27

“Well I hope that we have just elections and the votes aren’t forged; then my vote will count.” Vakho, student, 21

“If we assume our votes do not count, then we completely deny our country the chance to be democratic.” Lika, journalist, 31

“By participating in the election I am helping make an important decision for my country’s future development.” Marina, doctor, 46

“As a citizen it is my duty to vote.” Valeri, student, 21