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Tuesday, April 22 2008, #076 (1592)

Tbilisi says Russia shot down Georgian spy plane

President Mikheil Saakashvili said a Russian fighter jet shot down an unmanned Georgian spy plane over separatist Abkhazia this weekend, a charge dismissed by Russian officials. (more)

Speaker of Parliament Nino Burjanadze

In a surprise announcement yesterday evening, Speaker of Parliament Nino Burjanadze said she will not stand for reelection to parliament in next month’s election. (more)

Mixed reactions in Georgia to Russia's move to lift embargo

Georgians have had mixed reactions to Moscow’s order to end visa restrictions for Georgian citizens and begin talks on lifting the trade embargo imposed two years ago. (more)

Words of the Day

Echoes of the 1930s in Russia's sweeping annexation

Vladimir Putin, the outgoing Russian president, on Wednesday accelerated Moscow’s creeping annexation of Georgian territories to sweeping annexation. (more)

Government continues efforts to revive tea business

Over the past few months government officials have touted a potential revival of Georgia’s tea industry—a significant part of the country’s agricultural sector before the industry took a downturn in the collapse of the Soviet Union. (more)

Press Scanner

“The TV stations Rustavi 2 and Mze do not cover the National Council’s elections campaign” (more)

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