Regional youth camp trains Georgians, Armenians, Azeris
Tuesday, August 5

Contributed Article
A youth summer camp is gathering 21 young adults from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in Ureki, Georgia this month.
The summer camp, called “Sport Unites People,” is part of the “Youth! Sport! Action!” project put on by British Council ahead of the 2012 Summer Olympics. The project aims to build on the extensive youth work done in a number of countries across the region. In the South Caucasus, the project will include exchange visits, sport competitions and educational campaigns for young people in all three states in the region.
A series of sport events and workshops on a variety of topics (teamwork and partnership, leadership, communication and intercultural learning) will be organized for the August camp to train future leaders in using sports as a tool for local youth work and education. The project also aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among youths of different—and in some cases, clashing—cultures.
The regional youth camp is run by the youth organizations Academy for Peace and Development in Georgia, Educational Center for Youth in Azerbaijan and the Armenian United Nations Association, with financial support from British Council.
The camp closes August 8 in Ureki.