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Medvedev’s security threats

By Messenger Staff
Friday, December 4
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has given Western countries what he calls a "new concept of European security". Unsurprisingly however the Russian President’s security plans are nothing of the sort, as they bear threats to other countries but spare his own. Local analysts think that his proposal will be ignored by most countries, but others suggest that it should be analyses thoroughly in order to expose all the threats Russia is making to the rest of the world.

Russian hypocrisy continues to bloom. Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated that his President's initiative will secure the Euro-Atlantic space and prevent anyone resolving regional conflicts by force of arms. This is said by the Foreign Minister of the country which just a year ago invaded a neighbouring country and continues to occupy 1/5 of it, building up its military presence there to an unprecedented level! This is said by the Foreign Minister of a country which just about a month ago adopted amendments to its constitution which authorise it to use unlimited force anywhere in the world where it considers that the rights of Russian citizens are being abused! Some time ago we commented that if a Russian citizen is attacked by a local bandit in any country, even in Asia or South America or anywhere in the world, Russia could attack that country and occupy it on the basis of this law. Is this not ridiculous, if not tragic? Above all else, it is a violation of the international law Russia stopped respecting long ago, but which nevertheless regulates the conduct and ambitions of all decent states.

Medvedev has published his initiative on his Presidential website, suggesting that all members of the EU, NATO, OSCE and CIS should sign it. Does Russian hypocrisy have no limits? The major principle he outlines in the document is that one country’s security should not be established at the expense of others'. Do these words need comment? The document needs to be studied further by international experts, but Russia should receive a genuine and bold answer from the countries it challenges. In his document Medvedev arrogantly cites Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, the governing document of NATO, which states that a military attack on one member is a military attack on them all and thus gives every member country the right to assist it militarily. At first glance we can see that The Kremlin is trying to dress up in colourful and cheerful form its neo-imperialistic ambitions.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry has commented that Russia is trying to create a security architecture where it can veto whatever it doesn't like and make the world obey its own rules of the game. Europe and the Western world have already elaborated a security architecture based on democratic principles, but Russia wants to impose mechanisms which will make it answerable to no one, contrary to the principles of democracy, and is very well aware that it is doing this and this is not a genuine attempt to improve the current European security arrangements.

NATO Secretary General Rasmussen, commenting on Medvedev’s initiative, has stated that everyone should strive to create a system of security in which Russian interests are considered. Of course we should acknowledge that Russia has become a very powerful entity in recent times and its views should certainly be taken into account when discussing global issues. But it should not be encouraged to put military pressure on its neighbours and thus blackmail the world, as it has shown itself perfectly willing to do both recently and historically.

To cut it short, The Kremlin’s initiative is a serious and open challenge to the democratic world. It should not be ignored and should be responded to professionally, with dignity and justice. It is everyone's duty to defend the already established democratic values on which the world order is based, not surrender to Russian blackmail.