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Where do you buy medicines from and what would you say about their prices?

Wednesday, January 6
“I don’t like taking any kind of medicine but of course I buy them. I have a GPC card so I try to buy things there to obtain bonuses. The more bonuses I have more gifts I get, so that’s not bad at all.”
Salome, interpreter, 22

“I am a pensioner. I have a very small pension but they give me some kind of card to purchase particular medicines with at Aversi pharmacies. So that’s where I generally buy them. I must say it may not seem to have any particular sense in terms of saving money but for me it really does.”
Lamara, pensioner, 72

“I have a very large family. My wife and I are both doctors, but we don’t work as we have to raise our children. So we often have to buy medicine for them, especially in winter. We always worry about how much it costs for the impact it has. I don’t have any particular favourite pharmacy but they all sell everything at very high prices. I wish we knew how to make medicine from natural plants, they always helped me in my childhood.”
Davit, doctor, 41

"Fortunately I do not have to visit drug stores frequently, but as far as I know prices are really very high and many of our citizens cannot buy them. Some mechanism should be adopted to make prices acceptable for all those who need medicine."
Tamar, teacher, 25

"I often buy medicines at PSP or Aversi, as I believe in their quality. I have their bonus cards as well, but the prices of medicine are a bit high."
Nino, manager, 31

"There are absolutely unacceptable prices in Georgian drug stores. I cannot buy medicine and do not go there until my health condition is extremely bad. Each person in politics, and the Ministry of Health, should pay proper attention to this issue."
Liana, housewife, 46

“Medicines are so expensive that I cannot afford all those I need for my husband, who has some diseases. He has a pension and we buy only those medicines which are very important for him. Generally I buy them at GPC.”
Tamar, pensioner, 65

“Fortunately I do not need to buy many medicines, I do not even notice which pharmacy shop I enter when I want to buy a medicine, the TV advertisements do not affect me.”
Tea, interpreter, 25

“Prices have gone up significantly during the last few years. Soon I will not be able to buy even basic medicines with my pension. The Government should do something to stop the uncontrolled increase of prices on medicines.”
Tsiala, pensioner, 61