ISET Students Founded AYPEG - Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia
Friday, March 4

A lack of collaboration between young energy professionals served as an additional motivation for students of the four universities to establish the Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia (AYPEG) as a result of an initiative from ISET students studying in Energy Economics concentration.
The Association aims to foster an exchange of professional knowledge; increase qualifications among its members; conduct scientific research on topical, energy-related issues; increase public awareness of energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental issues; and to cooperate with energy-oriented local, regional and international non-governmental and governmental organizations. The Association currently enrolls students from the above-mentioned four universities as well as other young professionals in the energy field.
On February 18, 2011 ISET hosted the first meeting of its Advisory Board. Ivane Pirveli, the president of the Association and second year ISET student, presented the major goals and future plans of AYPEG in his welcome speech to the public. The event presented the Advisory Board members, the Association’s consultative body, and included a ceremony where the membership treaty was signed.
The Advisory Board members – representatives of the Energy Capacity Initiative (ECI) project financed by USAID, the Ministry of Energy of Georgia, the Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development of Georgia, the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission and the Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament of Georgia – delivered speeches in support, provided immediate recommendations and signed the membership treaty, endorsing their willingness to contribute to the activities of AYPEG.
“I do believe that these young, motivated students will create a strong team of energy professionals and will address crucial issues facing the energy sector of Georgia. They can count on my support and recommendations in the energy legislation and we will do our best to engage AYPEG members in the process of developing legal basis for the energy sector of Georgia” – noted Teimuraz Tsurtsumia, Deputy Chairman of Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament of Georgia.
The founders of AYPEG have worked out an action plan which includes public lecture series, competition of essays for students of Georgian universities on the topic “Georgia’s Energy Security” as well as other activities that will benefit young energy professionals and the energy sector of Georgia, as a whole.