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Tuesday, December 18, 2018, #247 (4295)

US Congress Passes Historic Supportive Act on Georgia

The US House of Representatives has unanimously passed the act which condemns the Russian occupation in Georgia and ... (more)

Opposition Announces Plans for “Non-Stop” Rallies

The presidential election runner-up Grigol Vashadze stated on Monday that from today on the opposition is launching non-stop rallies for snap parliamentary elections. (more)

Stoltenberg Comes to Georgia Next Year


Tbilisi Sees 2,590 Road Accidents in January-October


Soft Eject to perform on December 28 at Tbilisi Event Hall


The News in Brief

"CEC Approves Second Round Vote Tally" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

How to speak politically?

If the poetic (the real) speech truly means to be forever on the road placed into the middle of a word, as Osip Mandelstam thought it in his extraordinary text on Dante, ... (more)

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