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Thursday, June 6, 2019, #107 (4411)

UN General Assembly adopts resolution on IDPs initiated by Georgia and 44 other member states

On June 4, 2019, in New York, the General Assembly of United Nations once again adopted a resolution initiated by Georgia and 44 other UN member states on ... (more)

Zelensky: 'No talks for now on Saakashvili joining my team'

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who reinstated the Ukrainian citizenship of ex-Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, says that he has no political plans with Saakashvili for now. (more)

Minister Batiashvili says the US supports Georgia’s education reform


Tbilisi Mayor announces ‘much needed’ repair works in metro


The News in Brief

"EV charging station opened by Wissol" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

No single country set to achieve gender equality by 2030 – how does Georgia measure up?

Achieving gender equality seems to be a more far-fetched dream than previously thought. (more)

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