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Thursday, November 28, 2019, #231 (4535)

Georgia takes over CoE chairmanship

Starting from November 27, 2019, until May 15, 2020, Georgia will chair the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE), ... (more)

‘Beyond the Lost Eye’ – presentation by GYLA focuses on dispersal of June 20-21 rallies

‘Beyond the Lost Eye’ is a report prepared by GYLA (Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association) regarding the events of June 20-21, which was presented on November 27. (more)

Tbilisi Mayor speaks on infrastructure plans at municipality government meeting


The News in Brief

"Detainee on June 20 case says he was asked to testify against opposition members in return for release " (more)

Opinion & Analysis

New study shines light on work conditions at fast-food chains in Georgia

The Trade Union Youth Movement has published a new report on work conditions of people employed in the fast-food industry in Georgia. (more)

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