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Friday, April 24, 2020, #069 (4626)

Protest rally held in Marneuli violating all recommendations

In Marneuli, where strict quarantine has been declared for a month now (as well as in Bolnisi Municipality), the residents of 5 villages gathered in the village of Shulaveri on 22nd of April blocking the central highway. (more)

Is Plaquenil an effective cure for the virus?

Marina Endeladze, head of the Department of Hospital for Infectious Diseases, stated in March that the drug had been prescribed to the first patient infected with the Coronavirus. (more)

The News in Brief

"Government bans vehicle movement until April 21st" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Waiting for the peak

The scale of the epidemic is expected to enter its peak period in the first half of May; the peak will define the main events of the country’s socio-economic situation. (more)

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