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Friday, May 8, 2020, #079 (4636)

International Crisis Group report on COVID-19 Crisis in occupied territories

In the morning of 7th of May, the number of people infected with coronavirus increased to 11 in the de facto republic of South Ossetia, Anna Gagloeva, the deputy head of the main sanitary service of the de facto republic, told the Res Agency. (more)

Georgia has violated applicant's right to a fair trial in a drug case

According to GYLA, applicant Megrelishvili, was not allowed to invite the witnesses during the search and the national courts did not properly consider his argument regarding the drug use by the police. (more)

The News in Brief

"Georgia is in the middle of Covid-19 peak, Paata Imnadze says" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

The government’s anti-crisis plan and Saakashvili’s candidacy in Ukraine: the main issues of controversy

Consensus between the government and the opposition regarding the coronavirus has long been broken. (more)

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