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Thursday, December 3, 2020, #227 (4784)

Hodges: There is a precedent of inviting a state to NATO even if part of it is occupied by Russia

The report of a special group of NATO experts was published yesterday on the future of the Alliance by 2030. (more)

New UNICEF-ITU report says 15 % of Georgia’s school-age children have no internet access at home

According to the new joint report of The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and UNICEF, 15 percent of school-age children in Georgia do not have internet connection in their homes. (more)

Obligatory quarantine to abolish for Georgians with PCR test at the border


Opinion & Analysis

A new wave of restrictions: what are they and what do they mean for the country?

As the number of confirmed cases continues to grow every day, the government of Georgia decided that the most effective way to fight the spread of the virus was to introduce (and re-introduce) an additional set of healthcare-related regulations. (more)

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