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Friday, April 23, 2021, #079 (4883)

UNM to sign the agreement only after Melia is free

As part of Georgian opposition and the ruling party signed the agreement proposed by European Council President Charles Michel, “A way ahead for Georgia”, the United Georgian Movement representatives say that they will sign the agreement only after Melia is released from prison. (more)

12 Business Associations offer anti-crisis plan, request meeting with PM

12 business associations request a meeting with the Prime Minister. (more)

The News in Brief

"Degnan: It is Nika Melia’s personal decision to leave or stay in prison" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Is the Euro-Atlantic route Georgia’s true priority?

After Danielson's failed mediation, Georgian politics found itself in a deeper crisis, compounded by growing frustration and a critical attitude towards the country from Western friends. (more)

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