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Khoshtaria Expresses Full Support for Saakashvili

By The Messenger Staff
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Droa leader Elene Khoshtaria expresses support for Mikheil Saakashvili and his family and says he will take part in all measures to protect the former president's rights.

“Mikheil Saakashvili's issue is not just a matter of his family or his party. I am not a member of his party, I will not talk about our different relations, but I, as a citizen of Georgia who watches Putin's attack and aggression on free Ukraine, remember the attack of this great evil Georgia during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency.

Inaction and silence I really can not. Therefore, I express my full support to his family, and his party in this matter, and I am ready to get involved in all the protests. Of course, I can not allow myself to be inactive.

Once I took a very radical step because of her health condition, it was not emotional, or situational, it was a necessity to uphold the principle that our country needs and humanity in general needs in the first place.

“Therefore, I am not going to remain silent or stop and get involved in absolutely every action to protect his rights,” Khoshtaria said.

Yesterday, Mikheil Saakashvili's family members announced large-scale rallies. Saakashvili's trial was postponed due to his health condition.

On April 27, a council of doctors set up by the ombudsman prepared another report on Mikheil Saakashvili's health. According to the report, Mikheil Saakashvili has a protein hunger. According to the doctor, Saakashvili consumes about 1/4 of his daily calories, and his body ‘slows down’.

Doctors explain that the proteins that are not supplied to him receive these proteins through muscle breakdown, hence muscle mass is drastically reduced at this time. According to them, it may be caused by resistant post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, which eventually leads to anorexia or loss of appetite.