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Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Strongly Condemns Prime Minister Kobakhidze's Remarks on Ukraine

By Liza Mchedlidze
Friday, May 31, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has issued a statement strongly condemning the remarks made by Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze who vowed that Georgia would never experience a Maidan and claimed that external forces influenced the Ukrainian government without taking responsibility for subsequent events.

"Regarding the parallel between Maidan and the ongoing processes in Georgia, I want to emphasize that no one will see a Maidan in Georgia. Let me remind everyone of the consequences of Maidan for Ukraine. At that time, the Ukrainian government was appointed from outside forces, first once and then a second time. Ultimately, those responsible for appointing the government from external sources did not take responsibility for the events that unfolded in the country.

Until 2013, Ukraine was a country with territorial integrity, and its economy was $200 billion. Today, this country has fallen. After many years, its economy has significantly diminished. Also, 20% of Ukraine's territory is occupied, and tens of thousands of people have died. Who is going to take responsibility for this? - No one. Therefore, the most important thing we should be careful about is Georgia's independence because no one else can take responsibility for protecting the interests of our country. This was best demonstrated by the example of Ukraine," Kobakhidze said.

The Ministry found these remarks unacceptable and regretted their resemblance to Russian narratives. Ukraine urged Georgian politicians to refrain from aligning with such narratives and reaffirmed its commitment to Georgia's territorial integrity and the aspirations of Georgian people.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns unfriendly statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze and his distorted assessments of the events in Ukraine.

The statements of the head of Georgia's Government regarding our state, the Revolution of Dignity, heroism and struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence are unacceptable and outrageous.

Not Ukraine, which is defending itself, but exclusively Russia, which treacherously attacked our land, is responsible for thousands of lost lives, destruction of Ukrainian cities and villages. It is notable that the word "Russia" was never mentioned in the statement of the Georgian official.

It is regrettable to observe the consistent and permanent degradation of political statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia, which have recently become difficult to distinguish from the statements of the Russian leadership.

The Russian Federation must be punished for all the crimes committed in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries during the last decades.

We call on Georgian politicians to refrain from making such statements against our country, which replicate Russian narratives, and from using Ukraine in the internal political struggle in Georgia.

Ukraine will continue to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and the aspirations of the Georgian people for peace, freedom, strengthening their own statehood and ties with other free countries of the world," the statement reads.