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ALDE Adopts Resolution Calling for Sanctions Against Georgian Dream

By Liza Mchedlidze
Monday, June 24, 2024
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) has adopted a resolution calling for the European Union (EU) to impose sanctions on the Georgian Dream government. Georgian politicians in attendance at the ALDE Council meeting in Vilnius have discussed the implications of this resolution.

The resolution specifically urges the EU to sanction Bidzina Ivanishvili and his family members. Additionally, ALDE calls for visa restrictions and financial sanctions against pro-Russian lawmakers and violent law enforcement officers in Georgia.

At the same meeting, it was decided that Girchi-More Freedom would become a full member of ALDE, and Droa an affiliated member.

"The ALDE Council recently adopted a resolution that practically calls on the European institutions to cut off communication with the highest political officials of the Georgian Dream. It also calls on the European institutions to reconsider the issue of visa-free travel, especially if free and fair elections are not held in Georgia. The initiators of the resolution are ten parties from nine countries, which clearly shows the attitude of EU member states towards Georgia," Japaridze said.

Grigol Gegelia, a member of the political party Lelo, highlighted the significance of this development.

"The resolution initiated by leading European parties explicitly calls on EU governments to sanction all leaders of the Georgian Dream who undermine Georgian democracy and our European path. This includes Bidzina Ivanishvili, his family members, and officials from power institutions who violate the rights of peaceful demonstrators and trample democratic principles," Gegelia stated.

According to Gegelia, The resolution comes as a stern warning ahead of the upcoming EU foreign ministerial meeting.

"Everyone involved in actions that betray Georgia's historical pro-European stance, including those aligned with Russian interests, will face consequences from both the EU and the USA," Gegelia added.