August 10- August 24,
2007, #152 (1419)
Shall we make a monument for Russians? Imedi leader Irina Sarishvili held a press conference where she posed various questions about the incident, including how the Georgian government knew the missile was not going to detonate. "The bomb fell on a built-up area. Had it exploded there would have been significant casualties. How could the Defense Ministry be so sure of this, I wonder?" Sarishvili declared. She suggested that military activity such as this is used by the Georgian government to distract attention from other problems the country faces. "But if Russian special forces did participate in this event then Saakashvili ought to build a monument in their honor, because they directly serve his interests," Irina Sarishvili declared. Headline:
Do opposition expect a boost from the majority? The opposition hope that even if the parties don't unite into a single bloc, they'll still manage organized collaboration. However, it's doubtful all the opposition parties can find common ground. As time passes, the political stance of the Conservatives and Republicans differs more and more. It is currently impossible to unite the Labor and New Rights parties, the newspaper writes. Headline:
Kakha Kukava accuses Gigi Ugulava of swindling citizens Kakha Kukava said
that Tbilisi citizen Ramaz Ninua bought land at Nutsibidze #71 in a
2007 City Hall auction. According to Kukava, Tbilisi authorities are
forbidding Ninua to build on the land, depriving him of his right to
property ownership. For actions like this, the Conservative Party representatives say, they're accusing Ugulava of swindling citizens. They've asked the Prosecutor General's office to investigate the case. His party has filed suit in court, said Kukava. Headline:
Georgian police seize contraband in conflict zone Finance Ministry officials reportedly seized contraband caviar, perfumery, and other goods from the car, which was thought to be headed for Gori. The driver of the
car fled on foot after being approached by Georgian police. Authorities
are working to determine the owner of the vehicle. |