August 10- August 24,
2007, #152 (1419)
"To tell truth,
I expected stronger statements towards Russia from either the US or
European countries. The Americans always talk about how they supports
us and our democracy, but it seems like that's not entirely true. Russia
is our enemy, and what happened shocked me. Georgia has no reliable
friends." "International
organizations claim they are supporting Georgia and defending it from
Russia's aggression, but these are all just words. International organizations
won't risk their relationship with such a militarily powerful country
as Russia for tiny Georgia." "Well, I think
this incident has been responded to very objectively in Europe and in
the USA. They made good statements, and obviously declared that Russia
is the guilty party in the incident. I watched [US State Department
spokesman] Sean McCormack's announcement, saying that Washington supports
us and condemns Russia's behavior. Russia is no longer our friend, so
we should try to maintain good relations with Europe and the USA." "In my opinion,
the international community supports us. They made encouraging statements-it
seems they're really revolted by Russia's behavior, and will do their
best to defend our country from aggressors. I think we're not alone
anymore." "I don't think
someone will want to harm their relations with Russia for Georgia's
sake. Why should they? International representatives come to Georgia
and claim they'll always stand with us and protect our interests, but
it's not really like that. Better for them not to make strong Russia
an enemy or have problems with Moscow because of Georgia." "Georgia has
had bad experiences. In 1921, democratic countries abandoned Georgia,
leaving it face-to-face with Bolshevik monsters. In the beginning of
90s, Europe and America once again left Georgia to face Russian neo-imperialistic
claims, which resulted in losing territories to the separatists. Maybe
now, at last, the world democratic community will loudly condemn Russia
and support Georgia. We're not begging for friendly support. We seek
justice." "It's obviously
clear that the West does not want another issue to worsen relations
with Russia. We know that the West's relations with Russia are already
tense, and I'm not sure the Western countries would take any real steps
in this case. They will only make some statements, but that doesn't
do anything." "I want to
believe that Georgia is not alone. When the West is so welcoming in
their support for Georgia to enter NATO, I think they should also stand
firmly to support Georgia against Russia. But I'm not sure that will
happen." |