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Thursday, May 2, 2013, #083 (2852)

What happened in Lapankuri?

Public Defender of Georgia, Ucha Nanuahsvili, states that the armed individuals who were killed during the Lapankuri ... (more)

Discussions over presidential candidates underway

Kakha Kaladze, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, said the information released in the media and on social networks ... (more)

Relations between Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey discussed in Tbilisi


Ambassador Norland visits Gelati Monastery


Queen’s Day Concert and Celebration of the Investiture


The News in Brief

"Georgian President discourages refusal to hold military parade" (more)


Georgia stuck in the threshold of NATO's doors

Theoretically, NATO's doors have been open for Georgia since the 2008 Bucharest Summit. (more)

Press Scanner

"10 people detained over the issue of agricultural vouchers" (more)

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