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Friday, June 7, 2024, #106 (5667)

US State Department Sanctions Dozens of Georgian Individuals Over 'Anti Democratic' Actions

The US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller announced at today's press briefing that the US has sanctioned "dozens" of Georgian individuals in its first tranche of sanctions. (more)

Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics Condemns Parliament's Use of 'Punitive Measures' Against Media

The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics released a statement condemning the Parliament's use of "punitive measures" against the media. (more)

The News in Brief

"Georgian Prime Minister Criticizes US Congress MEGOBARI Act, Calling It 'Dishonorable'" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

US Set to Reveal Russian Agents Within Georgian Government

Before the veto was overridden, Radio Liberty reported that the US would disclose information it holds regarding Russian agents within the Georgian government, accompanied by sanctions, should the Georgian Dream succeed in overcoming the president's veto and ultimately enact the Russian law. (more)

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