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Thursday, April 19, 2012, #073 (2589)

New CARE project hopes to develop Georgia-Armenia border regions

Yesterday, CARE International in the Caucasus hosted a conference titled “Joining Regional Actors for Local Economic Development”, organized (more)

Ankvab assassin suicides continue

A series of suicides continues in Abkazia among suspects in an assassination attempt on the life of President Alexander Ankvab. (more)

Special border commissioners to be created


Raoul Wallenberg celebrated in Georgia


Universities sign academic cooperation agreement


The News in Brief

"Prime Minister Gilauri in Brazil" (more)


Civil society still weak in Georgia

Everyone both inside and outside of Georgia highlights the importance of civil society development in order to reach democratic goals. (more)

Press Scanner

"Bera Ivanishvili: "I am good or bad, I'm always true"" (more)

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