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Friday, August 25, 2017, #166 (3958)

Global Forest Watch says 366 fire alerts observed in Georgia in one week

The Global Forest Watch (GFW) reports that in the period of August 16-23, 366 fire alerts have been observed in Georgia. (more)

Court prolongs pre-extradition term of Turkish College Manager

Tbilisi City Court has decided to prolong the pre-extradition term of Mustafa Emre Cabuk, a Turkish college manager in Georgia, ... (more)

Interior Ministry studies all possible causes of Borjomi fire.


Georgia has two new governors


The News in Brief

"PM Appoints New Governor of Guria Region" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Dialogue on constitutional amendments depends on ruling party

Georgian opposition and ruling parties still tend to search for a consensus regarding the amendments in the Constitution of Georgia. (more)

Opposition demands investigation commission in Parliament over fires


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