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Tuesday, July 8, 2014, #130 (3153)

Former Georgian President Shevardnadze dies

Georgia’s second president and former foreign minister of the Soviet Union died on July 7 at the age of 86. (more)

Russia plans “protective measures” against Georgia and Ukraine

Russia may take protective measures in trade with Ukraine and Georgia in the case the two countries ratify the Association Agreements (AA) with the European Union, as the Moldovan parliament has already done. (more)

Debate over regulations on the purchase of land


Public Defender pushes for the creation of special independent body


The News in Brief

"NATO’s envoy will discuss "substantive package" in Tbilisi" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Run-off election looms

Georgia’s run-off elections are scheduled for July 12. The stakes are quite high. Eight mayors out of 12 should be elected in the second round as well as 13 heads of the local municipalities. (more)

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